True-Self Discovery

This is about making your relationship with yourself the foundation of your health and wellness. You will learn how to have more:

  • Self-Awareness: Knowing yourself – who you really are, what you really want and need, what makes you happy, drains you, excites you. This includes tapping into your Body’s Wisdom and discerning its messages.
  • Self-Acceptance: Accepting all of you, being willing to see your strengths, gifts and weaknesses, even your shadow aspects and accepting and embracing all of it. Not hiding or disowning parts of yourself, not denying anything about yourself.
  • Self-Love: Opening your heart to yourself, developing compassion, patience and forgiveness, loving kindness for yourself.
  • Self-Care: Committing to a minimum of self-care for self, health and wellness practices – healthy lifestyle. Daily “ME” time, mindfulness tools, tapping, journaling, quantum clearing exercises.
  • Self-Esteem: Become your own best friend and fan. Believe in yourself, build your self-confidence.

True-Self Slimdown and Brain-Soul Reboot

As 2019 races inexorably forward, do you find yourself still struggling with unwanted belly fat, foggy brain, a sluggish body or lack of clarity about how you really want this new year to be different? If you’re ready to make this year the best year of your life—the year where you finally take control of…

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5 Tips to Find Your True-Self During the Holiday Season


What if you could avoid the stress, fatigue and overwhelm of the holiday season and make it a time of renewal, regeneration and self-reflection? What if, instead of getting caught up in the hurry and strain, the blues and the blahs, the tawdry displays of excessive commercialism, you could transform the holidays into a time…

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3 Simple Self-Healing Secrets

self healing

3 months ago, on a hot August afternoon, I went to the corner drugstore to buy a wedding card for a friend. I found the perfect card quickly and got back into my car to return home. Moments later, my life was upended when a Dodge Ram 1600 truck plowed into the back of my…

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7 Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Attract Your Dream Life

Everyone experiences feeling stuck or stagnant in their life at one point or another. Feeling stuck or stagnant shows up in different ways. You might feel restless, or that there’s something missing; or maybe you know you need to make a change, but feel paralyzed to do anything about it, or you don’t know what…

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