True-Self Discovery

This is about making your relationship with yourself the foundation of your health and wellness. You will learn how to have more:

  • Self-Awareness: Knowing yourself – who you really are, what you really want and need, what makes you happy, drains you, excites you. This includes tapping into your Body’s Wisdom and discerning its messages.
  • Self-Acceptance: Accepting all of you, being willing to see your strengths, gifts and weaknesses, even your shadow aspects and accepting and embracing all of it. Not hiding or disowning parts of yourself, not denying anything about yourself.
  • Self-Love: Opening your heart to yourself, developing compassion, patience and forgiveness, loving kindness for yourself.
  • Self-Care: Committing to a minimum of self-care for self, health and wellness practices – healthy lifestyle. Daily “ME” time, mindfulness tools, tapping, journaling, quantum clearing exercises.
  • Self-Esteem: Become your own best friend and fan. Believe in yourself, build your self-confidence.

Everything in Your Life is a Result of This . . .

everything life result

What if I told you that your mindset determines everything in your life—including your health? There is a saying in personal growth programs that says, “Everything, everything, everything you do is representative about how you operate in the world in general”—behind every single thing you do, there is a behavior pattern that is based on…

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The #1 Secret to a Self-Healing Mindset

self-healing mindset

Are you are tired of: feeling tired, achy, overweight, and foggy-minded? anxiety, low moods and poor sleep becoming your new normal? have you tried “everything” to reverse a chronic disease, such as autoimmunity, diabetes, or arthritis, and still feel crappy most of the time? If any of this resonates with you, I want to talk…

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