Find Your Zen This Holiday Season – The 3 Gifts of the Holidays

candeline in vasetti di vetro

When I started reevaluating the way I celebrate the holidays, I began to focus on the timeless, age-old traditions of the winter holidays, begun centuries ago. For myself, I decided to make the holidays about love, peace and joy; and below I’m sharing a few ideas with you about how to focus on these 3 precious gifts of the season.

1. Love

My idea of Christmas is very simple – loving others.

—Bob Hope

Love. I find it’s difficult to feel loving if I’m stressed and overwhelmed or tired. So, the first place I start to find more love in this season is to show myself some love and kindness first and foremost. That way, when I’m feeling more relaxed, rested and clear, I am able to extend feelings and gestures of love to others.

Here’s some of the ways I show myself some love and kindness during the holidays:

1. I take quiet time for myself every morning to center and balance myself, and set the stage for the rest of the day. I also tune into my spiritual connection with God through prayer and meditation, and reflect on the sacredness of the holidays and life. I find my true zen this way.

2. I do not stop going for walks, to my yoga class, or eating healthy (yes, I splurge sometimes too). I make sure I’m taking good care of myself and my health, and this guarantees I’ll feel more loving towards others too.

3. I decide how I want to celebrate the season and plan accordingly. I try not to get swept up in the chaos and craziness. For example, when it comes to gift-giving, I

• create a budget for the holidays.

• am mindful not to let the gift buying, wrapping, sending process become the focal point and main stressor of the holidays.

• think about what the people in my life would really like for gifts.

• also ASK them what they want, which makes gift giving so much easier.

• While I always love to get out to the stores and enjoy the decorations and excitement once or twice. I also try to shop online as much as possible. Saves on time, money, wrapping exhaustion and stress.

2. Peace

Peace – it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart. 


For me, peace is a state of mind and a state of heart. But, that is difficult to attain if we are not also practicing stress management tools. Here are mine:

1. Meditation

2. Prayer

3. Yoga

4. No Sugar

5. Movement

6. Peaceful, positive and loving thoughts

3. Joy

Joy is what happens when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.

–Marianne Williamson, author

This quote captures one of the most powerful ways to feel joyful – gratitude and appreciation.

It is human nature to see problems and not be satisfied, but it is also learned, and becomes a deadly habit that robs you of your joy and a life well lived.  I keep a gratitude journal that I take stock of everything I’m grateful for once or twice a week, express thanks in my prayer, and strive to see all the good in my life, even when it’s tough going.

Another powerful way to feel more joy is by balancing your work and relaxation. Making sure you take moments to relax, restore and renew yourself, your mind and heart, lest they become dry and brittle and unhappy.

Last tip about finding more joy in your life: Make a list of the things you love and start doing more of those things everyday.

You can create any type of holiday you want. It’s your choice, even if you are committed to going to a family dinner, or hosting one, or some other previous commitments you need to honor. You still have the ability and freedom to choose how you will maneuver through the season. Make it one filled with love, peace and joy!

Love, Joy and Peace to you,

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