Emotional Healing
You will learn:
- How unexpressed/trapped emotions cause dis-ease.
- How to express and release your emotions in an effective way.
- Your Emotional Type:
o Emotional Clearing and Healing Techniques and Tools (DBT, Mindfulness, Journaling, Tapping, Quantum Mind Technique).
3 Ways the Power of Your Mind Can Change Your Health and Your Life
The mind acts like an enemy for those who don’t control it. Bhagavad Gita Recently I had an experience that brought home to me how powerful the mind is and how it can literally heal our bodies and our lives. I injured my back while jumping on a trampoline with my granddaughter. An x-ray the…
Read MoreSelf-Healing – Can You Heal Yourself?
Thirty years ago, when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and told there was nothing conventional medicine could do for me except give me steroids and anti-depressants, I sought out a different approach. I was blessed to be led to the offices of a naturopathic physician and a homeopathic M.D., who not only gave me…
Read MoreHow Food can Cause Anxiety and the Holiday Blues + Foods and Fun that Calm and Cheer You Up
Part 4 – Find Your Zen this Holiday Season The Holidays are supposed to be joyful and peaceful, right? Well, yes, but sometimes it requires a new approach, some small shifts to find your zen and connect with your joy centers. When we’re not feeling happy during the holidays, we sometimes think that we’re not…
Read MoreThe Wonder Woman Cure Workbook
Are you tired of trying to do it all? Is trying to be everything to everyone wearing you down? Or, do you find yourself taking care of everyone but you? Here are a few ideas for you to get off the Wonder Woman Super Highway. Choose one, or do all three, and start to enjoy…
Read MoreWhy Spirituality is Vital to Your Health and Happiness + 3-Minute Meditation Exercise
When I was diagnosed with MS, I realized that I was more than simply out-of-balance in my life – I was also spiritually bankrupt. For years, I hadn’t been praying, attending services, reading spiritual materials, or any other kind of practice that had previously connected me to the Divine. During my childhood and early adulthood,…
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