3 Super Easy Home Remedies to Knock Out Infections
Recently I shared in a blog, that I ran my immune system down while meeting a book deadline and ended up with an eye infection followed by a sinus infection. I am excited to share how I knocked out both infections without antibiotics (even though both doctors I went to see insisted I needed antibiotics and wrote me prescriptions). I do recommend checking things out with a doctor if you have a serious infection, and there are times that antibiotics are needed. Please use them in this case.
At the same time, many of you already know that there is rising concern about the overuse of antibiotics; and the CDC (Center for Disease Control) has even issued a warning about the dangers of this overuse. Antibiotics should only be taken if absolutely necessary. Some of the reasons for this are:
- Antibiotics are meant to kill bad bacteria, but unfortunately they also kill all the good bacteria in our digestive system (aka, the gut). The good bacteria (also called the gut flora) supports immunity and good digestion. But, a small amount of bad bacteria is also necessary for the proper functioning of the immune and digestive systems.
There is an optimal balance of the good and bad bacteria, which should be around 85% good bacteria and 15% bad bacteria. Antibiotics create an imbalance and allow the bad bacteria to flourish, seriously impairing our immune system. This imbalance is called dysbiosis.
- Antibiotics contribute to depression and anxiety. Recent studies have shown that the Gut and Brain are connected and communicate 24/7 via the Gut-Brain Axis. In fact, 95% of serotonin (our feel good hormone) is produced in the gut, not the brain. Any imbalance in our gut affects our brain chemicals as well, and vice versa. Because antibiotics imbalance the gut bacteria, higher levels of depression and anxiety are associated with an imbalance in gut flora.
So, bottom line, use antibiotics only when necessary.
Natural Home Remedies for Eye Infections
Here are some of the natural home treatments that I used to heal my eye infection:
Chamomile Tea. I actually learned this when I lived in Mexico. You simply make a cup of chamomile tea, let it brew, remove the tea bag and let cool. When cool, take a sterile cotton pad and soak it with the tea. Then squeeze some of the tea into each eye, like eye drops, and then wipe the outside of the eyelid. Discard cotton pad after use. Repeat every 4 hours until eye infection heals (no more redness, watering, or discharge).
- Maruka Raw Honey. Honey has powerful antibacterial and antibiotic properties.
How to use honey for eye infections: While you can put it directly on your eyes, most people mix it with water or milk. To make an eyewash, mix 3 tablespoons honey with 2 cups of water or milk, boil, cool and use as an eyewash several times a day.
- Salt Water. Boil 1 cup of water with one half teaspoon of salt and let the liquid cool completely before using. Then use as an eye rinse or compress several times a day.
Strengthen Your Immune System
It is also important to bolster your immune system when you have any kind of infection. Here are a few ways to do that:
- Take probiotics (these increase your good bacteria)
- Take Vitamin C
- Get more rest
- Reduce your stress
- Avoid foods that you know you are sensitive to, (i.e.: make your nose run, feel stuffy, give you a headache, or make you feel tired). Most common food allergens to avoid: gluten, dairy, corn, soy, eggs.
Next week, I’ll share my home remedies for Sinus Infections and more tips on strengthening your immune system.
Until then, take good care of yourself and your immune system. It’s your first line of defense.
Be Well,
Thanks a lot for this article. I will try out the Maruka Raw Honey for sure!
Hi Jane,
You’re welcome! Glad you found it useful. Let me know how it goes with the Maruka Raw Honey!
Hi Jane, I just discovered your comment on my blog about home remedies to knock out infections. Did you every try the Maruka Raw Honey?
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