Greetings from Mexico!
This week I’m in Mexico at a wonderful medical institute and health resort on the beach overlooking the Pacific Ocean. I am here learning how to help you even better to regain your health and happiness. I’m getting my certification in Functional Nutrition, a key piece of the puzzle in the healing from all of the 80+ autoimmune disorders.
I reversed my own autoimmune disease, multiple sclerosis, largely from working with a Naturopathic physician who used nutrition and supplementation as his main prescription for healing from disease – and it worked so well, I was nearly symptom-free in five months, and symptom-free by one year.
I have helped hundreds of people over the past 25 years do the same, and now, as functional nutrition becomes the gold standard of nutritional programs to prevent and reverse illness, I am thrilled to be here getting all the state of the art information and protocol to help you live your best life – free from pain and illness.
I am excited to start sharing all of this information with you when I return. But, for now, I would like to focus on another key piece of the puzzle to preventing and reversing disease – self-nurturing and relaxation. Being in a beautiful health spa this week reminds me of the importance and healing nature of self-nurturing and relaxation.
During my recovery from MS, I was blessed to have another gifted physician (a homeopathic doctor from India) who stressed the essential nature of self-care, quiet time, and deep relaxation to recover one’s health.

(l) Learning, laughing and detoxing at beautiful health spa, Sanaviv, in Mexico. Nowhere like a beach to do this!
(r) Day 3 at Functional Nutrition training. Detox breakfast – pure fresh fruit, green drink. Feeling cleaner, lighter, clearer and very happy!
Besides completely changing the way I ate (no sugar, white flour, processed foods, caffeine or alcohol), I was told to start spending time in nature, and I was instructed in deep breathing and yoga. Eating healthy, taking long walks in nature (the woods in Connecticut), and spending an hour or so in the mornings in quiet time with prayer, meditation, deep breathing and stretching exercises I completely recovered my health and reversed my illness.
I became happy – calm, centered and peaceful. I felt a deep joy that I hadn’t felt for years. I realized that my health was the most important thing to me besides my family. I have never taken it for granted since. And, I have never stopped eating healthy or taking exquisite care of myself with lots of “me” time, lots of “God” time, self-nurturing and ample time for deep relaxation.
Since then, I have discovered there are other pieces to the health puzzle: having fun and doing things you love, having purpose and passion, healthy loving relationships, positive thinking, spirituality, to name some of them.
I encourage you to reflect on your own self-care and relaxation habits, and ask yourself if you’re giving yourself the care and attention you and your body deserve. If not, don’t judge yourself, but, simply ask yourself what is one thing you can do to take better care of yourself? Write the answer on a piece of paper and post it somewhere you will see it often.
Step by step, taking better care of yourself, you will reclaim your health and life. Enjoy the process and have a beautiful, healthful week.
In Wellness and Wholeness,
P.S. Drop by my Facebook page and let me know what you chose to do. Others can benefit from your courage and commitment too!