Reclaim Your Brain

This is about:

  • Taking control of your mind (thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, fears, resistances, choices) and using mindful awareness to tap into the power of your mind in order to manage your life effectively and create the life you were meant to live (your dream life).
  • Learning how to identify, challenge, and reframe your thoughts and beliefs to live more effectively, and be healthier and happier.
  • Understanding the biochemistry and neurochemistry of your thoughts and how negative, stressful thoughts create disease, and positive, calm thoughts create health and happiness.
  • Understanding neurotoxins and how to avoid them.
  • Understanding Brain Fog and how to avoid it.
  • The Gut-Brain connection.
  • Understanding the Biology of Belief and the Placebo Effect.

Your Secret Weapon – 3 Steps to Develop Your Intuition

There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen. – Rumi Intuition is when you sense, feel or just know something instinctively, without logical reasoning. It is an inner guidance system that we all have, but oftentimes don’t use or trust because our society values our rational, reasoning mind more. The result is that we often…

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Why You Need an Inner Game of Wellness to Get Healthy and Reverse Disease + A Powerful 10-Minute Tool to Get Your Inner Wellness Game On

Why is it that with so much information on what it takes to be healthy that so many people either fall off their wellness programs or never even get started? After getting very sick and reversing a serious illness, I’ve been asking myself this question for years, and becoming a licensed psychotherapist and trained health…

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3 Ways Your Diet Can Prevent Or Reverse Any Health Problem

Stacy, a health-coaching client of mine, texted me yesterday, to share her excitement. The pain in her fingers from arthritis was gone, and her energy was much better. When she started seeing me just two months ago, she could barely peel a carrot, or write without severe pain; and she felt fatigued much of the…

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How Your Thoughts Help Reverse Autoimmune (and all other) Disease

During the editing of  my upcoming book,  Autoimmune Wellness: Eat, Think, Pray, Move and Love Yourself Back to Health and Happiness in 10 Minutes a Day, I recently traveled to the Pacific Northwest with my husband to attend a family wedding.  The trip was fun and exciting with lots of gatherings, games and celebrations, and…

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