Why You Need an Inner Game of Wellness to Get Healthy and Reverse Disease + A Powerful 10-Minute Tool to Get Your Inner Wellness Game On
Why is it that with so much information on what it takes to be healthy that so many people either fall off their wellness programs or never even get started? After getting very sick and reversing a serious illness, I’ve been asking myself this question for years, and becoming a licensed psychotherapist and trained health coach to address the reasons for the huge gap between information and wellness actions taken, I’ve discovered what I believe to be the biggest reason for this gap – you can’t create an Outer Game of Wellness (actions) without an Inner Game of Wellness (mindset).
Here are my four pillars to develop the mindset for your Inner Game of Wellness:
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Management
- Self-Acceptance/Love
- Self-Renewal
This blog is the first in a series about the Inner Game of Wellenss, and will address only the first pillar, Self-Awareness.
Self-Awareness is the foundation and crux of your well-being because it guarantees that you are being the woman you were created to be and living the life you were intended to live. This means that you are living in integrity with yourself, others, your higher power, and the planet.
Without self-awareness, you cannot know who you really are, or why you are really here.
Who You Really Are
This is about discovering your True Self – not a self that you think you should be, or shouldn’t be, not a self that only gets you approval, but a self that feels right to you – in alignment with your values and what’s important to you, and that makes you happy and in harmony with yourself.
Unfortunately, for the past few thousand years, we haven’t really been taught to be self-aware. Actually, most of us were not taught to look inside of ourselves to find the answers to our questions or problems, or even to recognize or pay attention to what goes on inside ourselves.
Instead, we have often been taught to look outside ourselves for all the answers to who we should be or shouldn’t be, or what we should do or shouldn’t do. The problem with this is that it leads to your creating a false self, an inauthentic self, and you never really feel comfortable with this false self because it’s not really you.
The other big problem is that most parents have scolded and shamed their children for even having feelings. I think most of you can identify with these responses from parents when while growing up:
When we cried: Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about? If you’re going to cry, go to your room. Don’t be a cry-baby. Or, what are you crying about? There’s nothing to cry about.
When we were angry: Wipe that frown off your face. Don’t pout. Stop yelling. Don’t raise your voice with me. And so on.
When we were afraid: There’s nothing to be afraid of. Don’t be silly, there is no such thing as monsters. Don’t be a scaredy cat.
So, we learned to repress and deny our feelings and stopped trusting our own feelings and thoughts, and eventually ourselves. We reasoned that if our feelings are wrong, then we are somehow wrong.
Besides creating a false self, and doubting our own thoughts and feelings, looking outside yourself for all the answers is disempowering. You give away your own power to others.
A Powerful Tool to Increase Your Self-Awareness
Journal for 10 Minutes a Day
Here’s how:
- Commit to becoming more self-aware, to find your True Self.
- Commit with intention to spend 10 Minutes a day journaling.
- Buy a nice journal (you deserve it!) or use any notebook, or download free app.
- Get up 10 minutes early.
- Do your morning ritual of tea, coffee, etc.
- Find a quiet, sacred space in your home to journal. (Can be at kitchen table, a nook, or even in bed – you can create a sacred space by adding things that make you feel happy here)
- Spend 10 Minutes asking yourself questions like:
- What Do I Need?
- What Do I want?
- What’s Draining Me?
- What’s Blocking Me?
- What Do I Need to Let Go Of? (For now)
- What Wuld My Ideal Life Look Like?
- Make up your own questions . . .
8. Write the answers in your Journal
Self-awareness is an ongoing process. Stick with it until it becomes a ritual that you automatically do. I guarantee things will begin to shift for you. You will notice a positive difference, and you will get closer and closer to your true self, and the harmony and happiness that inner wellness brings.
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Thank you.
Sending you my best wishes and heartfelt blessings for a life that is authentically, joyfully and healthifully, YOU.
Have peaceful, healthy week.
To your Inner Wellness,