Emotional Healing

You will learn:

  • How unexpressed/trapped emotions cause dis-ease.
  • How to express and release your emotions in an effective way.
  • Your Emotional Type:
    o Emotional Clearing and Healing Techniques and Tools (DBT, Mindfulness, Journaling, Tapping, Quantum Mind Technique).

Balance Your Immune System with Mindfulness

Turns out that mindfulness is good for our bodies: a seminal study found that just eight weeks of training and practicing mindfulness meditation boosts our immune system’s ability to fight off illness. While people with autoimmune disease, (such as MS, lupus, Hashimoto’s, Grave’s, Crohn’s, asthma, etc.) don’t want to necessarily “boost” the immune system as it is already…

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Top 10 Benefits of Making Time for You

Self-care is as important to your health as nutrition and exercise. — Dr. Donna Hamilton, MD In order to create a path to wellness in your life—a life where you feel vibrant, connected, loved, loving, balanced, at peace, on purpose, and authentic—you need to make space for creating the wellness you desire. The good news…

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