Posts by Linda Mercer

The Top 3 Foods to Prevent and Reverse Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune diseases are on the rise. In fact, they affect between 25-50 million Americans. I personally have had two autoimmune diseases, MS and CRPS. Because they all have different names and affect different parts and functions of the body, they are often not recognized as autoimmune diseases, and the treatment for each condition varies. While…

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5 Top Ways to Start Doing More of What Makes You Happy

Today, I will do something fun, something I enjoy, something just for me. I will take responsibility for making myself feel good. — Melodie Beattie, Language of Letting Go   What makes you happy? It’s such a simple question—yet, many people I work with struggle to come up with even one answer. It’s as if…

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Top 10 Benefits of Making Time for You

Self-care is as important to your health as nutrition and exercise. — Dr. Donna Hamilton, MD In order to create a path to wellness in your life—a life where you feel vibrant, connected, loved, loving, balanced, at peace, on purpose, and authentic—you need to make space for creating the wellness you desire. The good news…

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10 Minutes a Day is Enough to Reverse Chronic Illness

You may be asking yourself: Is it really possible to reverse chronic disease and make wellness a way of life in just 10 minutes a day?   Can 10 minutes of exercise or meditation be as effective as 30-40 minutes? The answer to both is absolutely yes. The 10-minute a day concept is research-proven, and I’ve…

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