You Are Meant to Shine

let your light shine large

I just returned from a 6-day retreat. It was life changing.

What do I mean by that?

It has changed the way I am approaching my life. I am now asking myself – correction – I am now tuning into my body and asking it to help me make all my decisions – from what I eat to when to rest to how I spend my time to what is my next step in my business. And, it feels wonderful! I feel lighter, more joyful and full of energy.

More importantly, I feel more peaceful. I was reminded that pushing myself endlessly to do do do and get things done is not really the best thing for me, or for anyone. It reminded me of what I learned from living in Mexico City and Madrid, Spain for 14 years – that slowing down, and alternating from doing to just being throughout the day is the key to joyful living.

I went to Mexico to study for winter quarter in college, and stayed for nine years because I immediately recognized that the Mexicans understood what was really important in life – God, family, friends, sharing leisurely healthy meals with others, rest, and laughter.

Another reason I stayed is that I felt permission to just be me, and I relaxed into that delicious place of I’m O.K.  I can be me and still be loved. I don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Basically – I can shine!

So, back to the retreat I just attended. The first three days were called Freedom to Shine. I signed up to attend this retreat last November when I heard the retreat leader speak at another event, and something in me knew immediately that I still needed permission to shine – that something inside of me was still holding back from being the brightest light I could be in this world. And, that something was me.

Here are 3 of the things I learned:

  • You Are Perfect Just the Way You Are: You were created to be uniquely you—quirks and all.  There’s a purpose to your unique design.  When we stop judging ourselves, we free ourselves from our own tyranny.  When we accept our flaws and honor our gifts, talents and uniqueness, we start to come alive.
  • You Have Gifts and Talents: Focus on those.  Not only do you have lots of things that you’re good at, and that people love about you, but you have at least ONE special gift that you were born to give the world.  Ask yourself what those are. Better yet,  ask your body.  Just get quiet for a moment , close your eyes and ask yourself that question.

Tip:  You know the answer.  It’s not in your head, it’s in your body.  Go there now, and ask. Then, write down the answer you get.


My gifts and talents (what I love to do, or what I’m good at—or what other people have told me I’m good at) are:





My unique gift to give to the world is:





  • Don’t Play Small: You are magnificent!  You are a miracle—you came from two tiny cells with all the information about who you are encoded in them.  Scientists have now discovered that every cell of our bodies is actually full of light.  That means you are filled with tons of Light!  That information is uniquely yours and you have a purpose.


What is yours?




Tip:  This is a process. We are all a process . . . don’t feel pressured to know, but know that you are being nudged to look deeper into yourself to see where you are holding back from shining your Light. Relax and enjoy the process.

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